
Why Whitelist with us?

    "Spam" emails has become a big issue. However, most email services and ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are working hard to block such kind of emails. Everyone agrees that the current spam email blocking systems still need to be improved a lot since they often block emails you’ve requested whether you wanted to receive it or not. Please note we only send emails to our members and those who have subscribed our newsletters. To make sure that you can receive our emails (e.g. special sale promotion letters, order notification emails, newsletters etc.), we highly recommend you to WHITELIST our emails. Please see below for more information:

    What is "white-list"? 

    A white list is a list of email addresses or domains that you can set up in your email system in order to accept them.

    How could I do to whitelist www.www.

    .com emails?

    aoearn.com uses several email addresses for communication with our customers. The most effective way is to whitelist the entire domain. Depending on the exact email service or program you are using, whitelisting a domain may be done by entering something like one of the following:

    If your email system cannot whitelist entire domains, we would suggest you add the following individual addresses to your white-list:

    • info@www.

    this email address is using to send you the emails about your account, like register information, password retriever, coupon or voucher sender, etc.

    • orders@www.

    very important email address, it's using to send you the order following-up emails, notify you the order status and do the order details confirmation.

    • newsletter@www.

    www.aoearn.com newsletters, great deals, special sales information will be sent via this email address

    • service@www.

    the general customer service email address, you can get contact with us at this email address.

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